Thursday 16 April 2009


 I recently went to Manchester Art Gallery to see the Di Vinci exhibition. They were showing about 11 original sketches done by Di Vinchi dating between 1480-1510. His skill and imagination are incredible and his drawings are so precise and accurate that it is amazing to think that they were produced 500 years ago. Di Vinci was very intelligent and drew his ideas for inventions such as helicopters, which  back in the day would have seemed completely insane. Looking at his drawings in real life gives you an indescribable feeling, you are held in awe of what is in front of you. Seeing his drawings has made me want to practice and improve my own drawing skills to the point where I can draw almost anything perfectly. Since seeing this exhibit I have noticed that I do draw a lot more, whether I am sitting watching a film or just on the train and I try to keep a sketchbook with me most of the time now.

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